Shiatsu for Children and Young People

Children are very sensitive to the stresses and strains of modern life, particularly changing chil shiatsu 2 (1024x768)situations such as moving house, changing school, and so on. Sometimes they can pick up stress from their parents. At other times they can experience their own stress due to peer pressure, esteem issues, and so on. I have been treating children of all ages for 30 years since my early training as a paediatric nurse. I feel confident working with children. They always love Shiatsu treatments and they get the benefits very quickly. I have given Shiatsu with good results to children suffering from a wide range of conditions from nervous tummy ache to immune system deficiency with recurrent colds, from insomnia to neck and shoulder tension due to exams. Please note that by law an adult, parent or carer must be present during a shiatsu session for anyone under 18.

chil shiatsu 3 (768x1024)Testimonial ‘I love shiatsu because it gives you a chance to really let go of everything and relax.’

 (Fein, 11 years old)